How to Successfully Cross The Abbey Road (and Other Stories)

I love how travel made you speechless, but ended up turning you into a storyteller. Out of many journey I've been through, I've came across hundreds and thousands of many forms of stories; tiny to huge. The last journey across Great Britain is no exception. Eleven days is enough to made blabs indefinitely here, and told comedy routines to my friends every time they asked me "How's London?" or "How's Edinburgh?" or "How's Liverpool?"

Today, I compile these tiny stories into possibly several posts, just because.

The Ballad of Abbey Road Crossing

LIKE, FINALLY!!! I woke up at 5 AM on a Sunday just for this, to be very honest. Me and mum caught the bus to the Northern area of London to Grove End Street, and took another 2 minutes walk to the crossing. It was around 7 AM, but the crossing was already packed with people trying to reenact the most iconic album cover ever.

A little storytelling: 1) Hi, I'm your host CN and I'll take you to Abbey Road Crossing at London! 2) What?! 7 AM and this crowded already?!??? 3) Okay let me have my first attempt 4) Duh, I failed! RUN! I just ruined someone's picture!!!!??

Turned out, Abbey Road Crossing experience was amazingly funny. I think it's genuinely the only place I ever interacted with people beside offering them snapshots with their camera. We talked about our fondness for The Beatles, laughed when people posed silly, and warned if there are vehicles nearby. Interaction can be found in places you less expect, and I think that's beautiful.

Anyway, I felt so guilty by the time I ran to cross back to where my mum's at I ruined someone's picture. 

It took me up to 5 times crossing the Abbey Road crossing just to get a perfect shot like I've got on this post cover and it was utterly tiring. I took some break and went into Abbey Road Studio Shop to see what they could offer. If you love records, please do visit this little amazing shop. I didn't spend any pence for the studio shop because I turned myself broke for buying too much books and The Beatles' records and memorabilia back in Liverpool. :(

Seemed that people living in the neighbourhood were at the point that they don't give a damn on tourists taking pictures everyday. Most cars would honk if we stayed at the crossing for too long!

We spent almost one and half hour just for a picture. It's alright, another point in my bucket-lists checked out anyway!

Right after taking a pretty decent Abbey Road reenactment ♡.

Tips for Abbey Road Crossing Snaps:
  1. Be here earlier, if you prefer it. I was there on a Sunday (and summer), so it might be a little crowded and I was fine with it because I would be so embarrassed posing clumsily in the middle of the road.
  2. Cooperation is a must! Discuss with fellow picture taker which will take photos first, and so on, and so on. Try helping others with their picture. Or warn them if vehicles are coming. I met a new friends just from Abbey Road Crossing conversations!
  3. Be cautious. Check the lights between the crossing whether it's time to cross or not. Cars might give you time to take pictures, but please have some reciprocal respect for them too.
  4. If you don't sure of standing in the middle of the road, there's a small roundabout just in front of the crossing and you might've love to take snaps from that spot. Just use your zoom feature and there you go– perfect!

A Day Across The Embankment

What is London without a walk by the Thames river? After the Abbey Road Crossing little catastrophe, mum and I decided to be in the super central London for a quite long, breezy, weekend walk. London was surprisingly in a fantastic weather that day; not too hot and not too cold.

We started the journey by taking the tube to St. Paul's Cathedral. We got in to the back side of the cathedral, and it was a beautiful garden with several people actually picnic-ing. I told mum that "We should have another picnic, eh?" and she immediately agreed.

We spent some quite time lingering around St. Paul's and had a look at the beautiful building.

Why is everything so picturesque here? :}

Then, we crossed the Millenium Bridge just across the cathedral. This will be the first time ever I cross the Thames. Just across the bridge is the well-known Tate Modern, which were so crowded with foreign tourists at the time. I think it's the best for us to not visit such venues on summer time for now?

We also came across Shakespeare's Globe, and decided to take a look on some books. Again, I had enough books to make my luggage being overweight, so I decided not to spent another quid on books. #cryinginside

We're making our way to recently reopened Borough Market after the London Bridge attack (which broke my heart so), which eventually excite mum, because of course for her fondness to markets. Before actually reaching the market, we came across Winchester Palace, a medieval remains of halls, prisons, and brewhouse dated back to the 13th century. 

There were also a replica of Golden Hinde II ship, owned by Sir Francis Drake, which looks amazingly majestic.

To be honest, Borough Market was the most beautiful market I ever encounter, like, ever. It was Sunday and everyone was there, buying food and sitting around the hay seats. Lots of live performance as I saw one amazing foxtrot and some traditional moves while in a market.

Mum looked happy seeing some Indonesian spices hanging around the spice store's rack. :}

Our legs are getting tired for walking too far, and we decided to end the journey at the Tower Bridge. We stopped at the nearby Sainsbury's Local to buy something to chew in our self-declared family picnic. I picked a random spicy chipotle (which turned to be so bad I have to stop eating halfway) and a bottle of chocolate milkshake for the sake of the calories I've burned, haha!

We ate at the nearby Potters Field Park for the Tower Bridge view and Thames river overall. The sun slowly showed up after some hours of grey clouds.

Too bad I didn't bring any books to read while laying on the green grass. :{

But after all, it was such one fine day. :}

The Day I Crave for Ramen (Especially My Love for Indomie)

I brought several packs of my favourite (or I'm writing this on behalf of mostly Indonesian) instant ramen to London alongside with chili powder packs for extra vibrance on my food. Growing up in such spices country eventually shaped my upbringing and crave in such a disgrace that one day in London, I ran out of my instant ramen and  I was dead crazy for finding a good warm bowl of ramen.

My mum and I search for the logically priced ramen in London (which can be super tricky because London can be extremely expensive), and ultimately found one in Camden Town (which actually one of the most vibrant and culturally diverse region in London).

Perhaps there is a lesson for my own distress: pack more instant ramen.

Bonus: Many Times I Pour Everything With Chili Powder

Pictures are quite self-explanatory, eh? :}


  1. I LOVED the Abbey Road story! I love the sense of making friends with people you've never met, and the Beatles are pretty cool too ;)

    1. Yes, a super interesting and unexpected one indeed!
      Ooooh, I'm a Beatle super fan since I was 3, many of my friends said I was born in the wrong century! ;(

  2. Haha, I have a similar Abbey Road story! I went alone, and couldn't believe how many people were there! I didn't ask anyone to take my photo crossing and I'm regretting it now! I just took a video of my feet walking across instead haha. It was so cool to be in that spot, though. And I got a chuckle out of how many people would honk at the tourists!

    1. It was a pleasant experience! <3
      So happy to meet a lot of new people.

  3. I love Abbey Road! This guy traveling solo asked me to take a photo of him crossing the road and he repaid the favor and took a pic of my boyfriend and I crossing as well. I love watching everyone posing in the crosswalk... and almost getting hit by cars lol

    1. So happy to hear yours and I love your Abbey Road story! <3

  4. Great post, the pictures are gorgeous, I love your blog, love your outfit as well. You look absolutely stunning, thank you for sharing!!!



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