Graduated and Now, What?

Have you ever been doing almost nothing for the past months and suddenly you start to question everything that ever happened in your life? I am. In this very second. I believe, and most people said, that we've all in this state once, twice, or even thrice; depending on your education status quo. I can imagine in my case after being too busy with college assignments, projects, social life, no sleep, and so on for the past three and a half years, I am faced with the void. Nothing.

I know I've been dreaming about doing nothing for some times during my college life, but heck no, not for this long. Instead of doing something better (like doing some profitable freelance work, volunteering, etc), I've been contemplating my life. I came across some points that, still, I can't pretty much solve.

Am I really doing what I love? Am I doing it right? Should I be an artist or a graphic designer? How do I start? How do I find the thing that I truly love? Why do I always expect things so high?

... And it sucks being in love in the midst of all of this. Nevermind.