Take a Deep Breath and Relax. At Least for a While.

For illustrative purpose only.


Hello! Captain's here! How are you doing? Sorry for neglecting this blog for a quite of long time, but here I am trying to write something or at least saying hi (even though I doubt: Do people still reading my blog due of my lack of updates? Haha.)

I just finished my fifth semester of my study and I am in a complete exhaustion and lack of sleep just because I spent almost my whole week to finish my final assignments in order to pass for the next semester. Basically, it all went well, I supposedly to passed all of my semester five classes. BUT, I started to doubt my capability to make something good, or at least, something that has my heart in it. So, I would say that: I don't ace this semester. Maybe it's just me or I'm too tired? Or maybe even being in my comfort zone for quite a long time? 

Well, time will tell, I guess. I will have two weeks of semester break (yes people, two weeks) for some bit of refreshment. I'll try to catching up on this blog, maybe write something worthy enough.

Happy holiday to myself. Finally some time to sleep more. And play. And whatever.