You Should Turn Off Your Social Medias For A While, Too

If I could describe March 2017 in a phrase, it would be: a trainwreck. I messed up everything. I barely did anything, whether it was for keeping me busy (e.g. freelance jobs, commission works) or even for my own personal pleasure (e.g. binge-watching TV shows, reading a pile of unread books in my library). I spent most of my time staring at blank walls while listening to random songs on Spotify. Sometimes when it was late at night, I could broke down into tears so easily. I felt empty. I felt a large void inside myself.

I even wrote this in this blog in the midst of my emptiness.

I felt everything will went even worse if I keep myself occupied by staring on my phone for hours.

One day, I decided to went on a little vacation to Sangiang Island, an island nearby Anyer Beach, without being active in social medias. The vacation will be for 2 days, hence it made me turning off my social medias for 2 days too. Turned out my decision for staying away as far as possible from social media for 2 whole days might be the best decision I ever made.

Again, as I always point out over and over again in my writings, I learned to see beauties in every little aspects in my life. For this case, I learned to see beauty in distress and misery. Heartbreak, rejections, and emptiness might bring me sorrows, but they I never let them linger for a long time. I turned them into something for me to grow. To be a better person.

Turning off social medias help me to process things faster. I can fully focused on my personal reflection. With the help of the gentle wind blowing off my cheeks and the calming voice of sea, I easily found the conclusion of my own problems. How I constructed an ending for my own personal problems.

Then, I learned about the positivity of solitude. As far as I concerned, we live in a country and a world who are seem to be a little too frightened about solitude. Teachers are calling parents to tell their concern over a quiet, lone children. Eating alone are considered odd. Basically doing anything alone are grotesque; "You should ask someone to join you," people will always say.

I learned to embrace the solitude I had. The world might be too hectic, too busy, and too noisy. You might actually want to take a break for a while from this world, and joyfully enter the world of your own; with your own inner voices. Take the time to listen to it.

You might want to read this beautifully written article about embracing solitude here.

Next, I learned to live my life to the fullest; living in the moment. We spent our time staring at an artificial, man-made world for too long we forgot our genuine, real world. I had the best quality time with my entire family during my trip to Pulau Sangiang. We laughed and I shared hundreds of new stories with them, after such a long time. I got millions of new insights of my own family. I think that was the most beautiful and heartwarming thing I ever did in these past years.

I snorkeled again since forever. Maybe since my last trip to Belitung, almost precisely a year ago. I spent a lot of time not thinking how I miss snorkeling since then. It felt like I finally found my long lost soulmate after a year apart.

Loving life has never been this beautiful.

And lastly, I learned that in the end, I choose to be happy.


  1. How true. Being away from any social media for a while is never wrong :). Salam kenal ya mba :)

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  3. Dear! Aku juga pernah kok di ambang-ambang seperti kamu gini >< Apalagi setelah lulus kuliah. Aku pikir, itu terjadi hampir sama setiap fresh grads kali yah? Kita bingung mau ngapain, apalagi kayak aku gini gak nemu nemu passionnya dimana. Terombang-ambing, ngliat si ini, mau jadi si ini, ngliat si itu, mau jadi si itu. Jadi gak punya jati diri sendiri, karena belum tau 'AKU ADALAH SEORANG....' well, everything takes time. And you too, dan kamu pergi liburan refreshing gini bener-bener salah satu jalan terbaik banget yah :) Aku seneng, kamu bisa punya high quality time sama keluargamu, itu salah satu cara terbaik buat kita untuk refresh sbenarnya, lebih deket, lebih ngerti satu sama lain, bisa saling mendukung dan bukan menghakimi, saling nambah empati :) And yes, I agree that nature & universe is always the best remedy!

    Hope you do good and always choose happiness. Keep trying on, keep moving on. Aku pernah baca tentang passion disini --> bagus banget postnya, membuat aku jadi sedikit lebih terbuka pandangannya tentang passion :)

    GBu <3

    1. Yes! Waiting for the graduation might be a bit challenging dengan semua yang terjadi ini, hahaha! xD I'm so happy to have people who actually cares about me. Take example my mom, even though dia marah2 waktu aku gak ngelakuin apa2, in the end itu semua buat aku sendiri. Dia yang sadarin aku kalau selama ini yang aku lakuin itu malah justru bikin aku makin galau, hahaha! And nature, how calming it is! <3

      I just read the post, and indeed inspiring! I would love to add it later on in my future blog posts! Thanks Jan for showing me this wonderful words!!! <3<3<3

      GBU always!

  4. mengurangi penggunaan media sosial memang jalan yang tepat.

    Aku juga sama seperti kamu pernah mengalami rasa kosong, dimana memutuskan untuk keluar dr pekerjaan yg dari situ lah aku mendapatkan teman, keluar dari pekerjaan aku seperti bingung, teman yang sibuk, suami yang juga sibuk dengan pekerjaannya.
    sempat stress, emosi yang gak stabil.. makanya aku mulai menulis blog lagi, menutup akun sosial media kecuali instagram dan blog, dan sering membaca buku, pkknya membuat diri lebih memiliki quality time dan akhirnya skrg aku bisa mulai tenang dan bisa mengatur emosi :)

    1. Wah baguslah kalau begitu! Sosial media memang harus ada kadarnya, diselingi dengan aktivitas lain seperti baca buku, jalan2, atau ngelakuin hobi yang disuka! :)

      Anyway, salam kenal! I love reading your blog! <3

  5. Hahaa iya sih kita juga membatasi diri dengan blog, instagram, mungkin youtube haha


    1. Haha! Benar juga dengan Youtube! Aku sering banget lupa waktu kalau nonton Youtube. :p

  6. Bener mbak kalo social media itu harus ada kadarnya, setuju banget. Karena pernah suatu ketika aku lagi ngangguuur banget, seharian scroll up scroll down di instagram. Niat hati pengen cari inspirasi yang memotivasi, tapi waktu itu yang ada saya sedih sama diri sendiri gara-gara lihat feed orang lain yang entah lebih produkfit, lebih kelihatna happy, dkk dkk dkk.

    Jadi memang ada waktunya social media bisa menjadi sumber inspirasi, dan (ternyata) ada juga saatnya malah jadi boomerang (..bukan boomerang instagram sih yang pasti hehe).

    Salam kenal mbak, semagaaat yaaah :))

    1. Betul banget! Aku juga sering lihat Instagram buat cari inspirasi. Tapi kok makin lama mantengin Instagram, yang ada makin galau ngeliat orang yang kesannya 'lebih bahagia' dibandingkan kita. Padahal aku sendiri sudah tahu, kalau Instagram dan sosial media lainnya cuma representasi di permukaan dari masing2 orang. :')

      Salam kenal juga, Mbak! Makasih udah baca! :)

  7. Sama aku juga suka seperti itu, suka lupa waktu kalau udah main gadget dan social media.
    Kita butuh me time without phone maybe twice a week,
    Btw aku udah follow back blogmu yaa, salam kenal yaa
    XOXO ♥♥♥♥

    1. Yes, I am totally agreed with that!
      Me time without phone is sometimes compulsory, kok! :)
      Yay, makasih juga udah baca! Salam kenal! <3

  8. Social media = distraction
    Kadang lagi mau ngerjain sesuatu, malah kepending lama gara-gara ngintip ig, buka twitter, nonton youtube.
    Susah karena sudah seperti candu. T.T Tapi kalau lagi travelling, sebisa mungkin aku menjauhi sosmed. Menikmati waktu dan moment yang kelak akan menjadi kenangan.

    1. Betul banget! T.T
      Aku juga lagi berusaha banget sebisa mungkin kalau lagi travel gak update sosmed. Sejauh ini baru sekali ini sih offline, tapi kadang udah gatel banget pengen update insta story aduh aduh. :")


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