For Those Who Were There in My Worst

Hi again! Say, how's life? So, concerning about my last sad post about my somehow failure in fitting in to the society, I must say that, I was so tired that day. Lots of assignments for the following week while I tried to adapt from my usual holiday routine to the usual one was a hella hard job to do. I was in an utter shock, completely unready to face tomorrow.

A lot of thanks for everyone who were there for me in my worst. 

For the one who accompanied me to a dinner for two. It was an unforgettable dinner. Got a cafe latte instead of hot chocolate (which was funny, somehow), laughing out loud, and cried when Coldplay's Fix You (and some others I can't remember all of them) was on the radio. The one who replied my chats as quickly as possible. With funny words. Inspiring quotes. Heartwarming lecture. 

And... another lovely tune from no other, Mocca. Yeah it's true. Life keeps on turning. Sometimes you're on the top of the world, sometimes you're not.


Somehow a happy ending.


  1. KENAPA LAGUNYA COCOK SEMUAAA HAHAHAHAHAH thank youuu for you too! it was so funny and sad and ...... idk, mixed feelings. Btw I remember some of the songs ..... You're beautiful, If you're not the one (GRA GRAH), Mirrors (INFINITE GRAH) HAHAHA. :"

      You're very berry welcome Balen! Hahaha yeahhh knp lagunya galau bgt yah wkwk. :p


Shout it out loud!