Au Revoir, 2013!

Random illustration, just saying.


Some few hours until 2014. Well, a typical girl blogger saying: "Time flew so fast, huh?".  2013 had been arduous, exhilarating, and distressing at the same time. In the beginning of 2013, I struggled with my national exam preparation, and then finally made it in April. High school ended by the end of June as I received my scores (not really good, but at least I passed, lol.) and graduated in the same month. Then I had my first super long holiday, which lasted 3 months. Finally had my first day in university and had another struggles with tasks, assignments, and projects. 

A lot of good things and experiences happened in 2013. I tried to be a better person; a fun, friendly girl. I tried hard to leave my old habit of moaning and being too quite (I'm just too ridiculous) and I guess I had a lot of progress. I tried to be more active, a latent desire of mine since high school but I just can't do it at that time (due of my lack of time management). 2013 let me met some new friends especially people I met in the university. I am so thankful for having them, they're as precious as gems. 

Despite of all those things, 2013 is also the year full of struggles, drama, and some bitter experiences. Had some trouble while I'm preparing national exam, yeah. I had depression, almost gave up with my progress and just let it be. But once again, I just can't be that person that gave up so quickly and that's it. Most of the dramas in 2013 are those that I made and it's on my mind. I promise not to feel too insecure. I promise, I promise.

Okay, it's time to deal with my drawings. I just made my first summary of art and I'm gonna just put it below. Did I made a progress? I guess so. I start to draw more realistic, which is great because draw realistically had been my goal in 2013. My next goal? Digital art. :)

I blab too much already, eh? The point is, 2013 is a thrilling, but in the same time, exciting roller coaster ride. I learned a lot of things from this year, including life, friendship, relationships, and how to deal with people surround me. I don't really made a detailed resolution like the past years because in 2014, I just want to be a better person, a positive light to people around me. Amen!

2014, I'm Ready!


Shout it out loud!